Glen Innes NSW,This Town,Movie,Comedy,DVD

"A comedy about love, murder, and finding the one"

Acquitted of a crime, Sean is a young man trying to rebuild his life. Pam, an ex-cop turned Petting Zoo and Adventure Park owner is convinced of his murderous tendencies and will do anything to prove his guilt. Five years on from the crime, Sean starts where any millennial would with online dating. He meets Casey, a quirky young woman who believes in his innocence. Together they push the limits of love after murder, but with every step forward Pam is trying to pull them back, well, after feeding the Alpacas. Charting the sublimely awkward aftermath of a small town tragedy, THIS TOWN is a touchingly twisted comedy about finding love when your world is against you.


Format: DVD
Genre: Australian
Rating: M
Release Date: 04 11 2020
Production Year: 2020
Run Time: 91
Languages: English
Rating Advice: Mature Themes And Coarse Language
Distributor: Madman Entertainment
Directors: David White

Actors: Robyn Malcolm, David White, Alice May Connolly, Rima Te Wiata, Aaron Cortesi, Loren Taylor, Jim Moriarty, Danny Mulheron, Byron Coll, Amelia Reid, Jack Sergent, Peter Hambleton, Stella Reid, Emma Draper, Samuel E. Shore

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