Glen Innes NSW, Railway Man, The, Movie, Drama, Blu Ray

The Railway Man

"Revenge is never a straight line."

Academy Award winners Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman star in the remarkable autobiography of Eric Lomax (Firth), a British army officer who is captured by the Japanese during WWII and sent to a POW camp, where he is tormented and forced to work on the Thai-Burma Railway. Decades later, still suffering the trauma of his wartime experiences, Lomax and his wife Patti (Kidman) discover that the Japanese interpreter responsible for much of his treatment is still alive and set out to confront him, in this powerful and inspiring tale of heroism, humanity and the redeeming power of love.


Format: Blu Ray
Rating: M
Release Date: 05 06 2024
Production Year: 2013
Distributor: 116
Languages: English
Rating Advice: Mature Themes And Violence
Distributor: Madman Entertainment
Directors: Jonathan Teplitzky

Actors: Nicole Kidman, Stellan Skarsgard, Colin Firth, Hiroyuki Sanada, Jeremy Irvine, Sam Reid, Marta Dusseldorp, Tom Hobbs, Masa Yamaguchi, Tanroh Ishida, Ewen Leslie, Charlie Ruedpokanon, Shinji Ikefuji, Byron J. Brochmann, Yutaka Izumihara

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