The Shadow Riders
The timeless Western tale of two brothers Mac, a Yankee (Tom Selleck) and Dal, a rebel (Sam Elliott), who return home to Texas at the close of the Civil War, only to discover that their sisters, and Dal's spirited sweetheart Kate (Katherine Ross), have been kidnapped by a band of renegades, who are on a rampage path towards Mexico. Now, with the help of their notorious uncle (Academy Award-winner Ben Johnson), they must rescue the women before they're sold into a Mexican brothel. Also featuring Western icons R.G. Armstrong and Harry Carey Jr., The Shadow Riders is a classic old-time action from acclaimed director Andrew McLaglen (Shenandoah, The Way West, Chisum and Bandolero).
Format: DVDGenre: Action
Rating: PG
Release Date: 06 04 2022
Production Year: 1982
Run Time: 96
Languages: English
Rating Advice: Mild Impact
Distributor: Madman Entertainment
Directors: Andrew V. McLaglen
Actors: Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott, Ben Johnson, Dominique Dunne, Katharine Ross, Scanlon Gail, Geoffrey Lewis, Jeff Osterhage, Gene Evans, R.G. Armstrong, Marshall R. Teague, Ben Fuhrman, Jane Greer, Harry Carey Jr., Natalie May, Jeannetta Arnette, Owen Orr, Kristina David, Joe Capone, Robert B. Craig, Brian K. Sorenson
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