Miami Connection
Motorcycle ninjas tighten their grip on Florida's narcotics trade, viciously annihilating anyone who dares move in on their turf. Martial arts rock band Dragon Sound have had enough, and embark on a roundhouse wreck-wave of crime-crushing justice. When not performing their hit song Against the Ninja, Mark and the boys are kicking and chopping at the drug worlds smelliest underbelly.
Format: Blu RayGenre: Action, Crime
Rating: R18+
Release Date: 08 06 2022
Production Year: 1987
Run Time: 87
Languages: English
Rating Advice: Restricted To 18 And Over
Distributor: Umbrella Entertainment
Directors: Woo-sang Park, Y.K. Kim
Actors: Y.K. Kim, Vincent Hirsch, Joseph Diamand, Maurice Smith, Angelo Janotti, Kathy Collier, William Ergle, Si Y Jo, Woo-sang Park, William P. Young, Joy Sharpe, William Whitacre, John Leeson, Sue Jacotta, William Hollingsed, Don Chapman, Homa Leapa, Frank McVicker, David Delcastillo, Terry Sorrel, Jim Ditch, Scott Rousseau, Ed Black, Robert G. Goodwin, Eddie Wood, Bob Gentry, Bruce Donahue, Michael Hoffman, Heinz Wellnitz, Traci Hicks, Antolin Leiva, Tina Wilkes, Richard McDonalds, Douglas Fox, Ricky Morgan, Allen Vasney, Ralph Cornier, Angela Cipaletta, Lori Blackmon, Jack McLaughlin, Edward Haerter, David W. Donoho, Mike Plaskon, Joseph Mathis, Joel Bornstein, Jean Paul Tenell, Bob Jordan, Danny Hightower, Henry Meade, Robert Yee, Joan Rosano, Alberto Vasquez, David Higgens, Raymond Vasquez, Mike Mathews, Kenneth Leiner, Charles Knight, David Huff, Jonathan Hetz, Frank Trapnell, Mike Neace, Cliff Haney, Michael Goins, Fernando Leuthner, Keith Landry, John F. Escobar, Mary Lou Sambravo, Bill Britt, Miguel Gorordo, Roy Coats, A.D. Mitat, Keith Zambrano, Ricardo Cabellero, Rafael Rondon, Anthony Chad, Kevin Pollak, Mark Chase, Sergio Isramillo, Frank Gugliada, Jose Molina, Mary Gil, Daniel Noble, Jose Avello, Howard Cronin, George Mitat, Jeff Colpitts, John Cavanaugh, Robin Yuan, Juan Olarte, Juan Gapata, Wilfred Aquilan, Crazy Dave, Steven Yowels, Eddie Channel, Barbara Lepper, Janet Ervin, Tom Patrizzi, Tracy Combs, Tim Bartlett, Duane Stone, Richard Carter, Ken Gibson, Benny Stoltz, Dennis Proulz, Big Al Landgraf, David Sharp, Lou Arcumi, D.Q. Roberts, Richard Mulvanex, Aram Hernandez, Jason Dress, Eric Shmiel, Jesse Lepper, Carl Wood, Larry Ammon, Crazy Legs, Don Wolf, Susan Carter, Phil Langbecker, Matt Groskepf, Bruce Heinemann, Tracey Sloan, Lonnie Ware, Thomas Adkins, Kevin Chudzik, Sally Mitchell, Jim Aker, Kathy Brown, Anne Borkowski, Barbara Bunnell, Nicholas Berliner, Barbara Smith, Keith Housand, Faith Cotter, Timothy Ellis, Thomas Hastings, Bubba Baker
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