Glen Innes, NSW, Intuition , Music, Not mapped, MGM Music, Sep19, Redeye/Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records, Kendra Amalie, Rock

Intuition | Indie Exclusive / Transparent Orange Vinyl

A sweeping introduction to an artist deep into their practice, Kendra Amalie's Intuition is a star map to a new and developing sound space. An exploratory and (sometimes) shredding finger-style 12-string guitarist (both acoustic and electric), band leader, synthesist, new media creator, and experimental producer, the Wisconsin-based musician is also a songwriter occupying an ethereal zone between galaxy-brain cosmic transmissions and deep, personal expression. There's a concept and narrative arc to Intuition, too, the action moving from underwater locales to boat to city to global consciousness to farmland to the etheric plane and back to water. Shifting her music-making energies over the past several years, Intuition is the sound of a powerful new voice in focus. Intuition is a sound-based cross-section of a larger body of work. An arrival and a destination, Intuition is also surely a stopover, too. Meet Kendra Amalie.. L2. 1. Breathe Underwater2. Boat Ride II3. Facets of a Holy Diamond4. Patternmaker5. Stay Low6. Crop Circle7. Become the Light8. Improvisation for Mark Hollis9. Look at the Light (Source) . N2 Milwaukee, WI



Format: Not mapped
Artist: Kendra Amalie
Release Date: 06 September 2019
Genre: Rock
Label: Redeye/Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records
Distributor: MGM Music

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