Glen Innes NSW, Doctor Who - Web Of Fear, The, TV, Horror/Sci-Fi, DVD

Doctor Who - The Web Of Fear


In order to escape an attack in space, the TARDIS makes an unscheduled landing and ends up deep inside the London Underground. Here the travellers soon find themselves engulfed in a terrifying battle against the Great Intelligence and the Yeti, a deadly enemy set to invade the Earth. As events progress and the menace spreads, it becomes clear that the Intelligence's goal is not just possession of Earth, but the Doctor's mind too.


Format: DVD
Rating: PG
Release Date: 22 09 2021
Production Year: 1968
Distributor: 145
Directors: English
Rating Advice: Mild Violence And Themes
Distributor: Madman Entertainment
Directors: Douglas Camfield

Actors: Patrick Troughton, Jack Watling, Tina Packer, Frazer Hines, Deborah Watling, Derek Pollitt, Nicholas Courtney, Jack Woolgar, Ralph Watson, Richardson Morgan, Rod Beacham, Gordon Stothard, John Lord, John Levene, Colin Warman

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